author = {Apata Ebunoluwa, Stenly and Farell-Clarke, Heather and Lane, Meredith M. and Cappello, Paige and Hairston, Ricky and McCroskey, Anjie and Prybolsky, Lisa and Schnitzler, Jacob and VanWinkle, Jay and Miller, Danika and Armstrong, Bruce},
title = {Flavour Intensity and Acceptability Evaluation of Smoked Sausages},
journal = {Meat Technology},
issn = {2466-4812},
eissn = {2560-4295},
year = {2022},
volume = {63},
number = {2},
howpublished = {print},
language = {english},
pages = {79--84},
note = {1},
doi = {10.18485/meattech.2022.63.2.1},
doiurl = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/volume.php?pt=journals&issue=meattech-2022-63-2&i=1},
url = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/journals/meattech/2022-2/meattech-2022-63-2-1.pdf}