Title = {Processes of Culturological Adaptation of Natural Phenomena to the Traditional Models of Knowledge: The Case of the Demonological Entity Called the ``Water Bull'' (Based on the Material from the Bulgarian Regions of Montana and Vratsa)},
Author = {Malchev, Rossen Rossenov},
Journal = {Фолклористика : часопис Удружења фолклориста Србије},
Year = {2017},
Volume = {2},
Number = {2},
HowPublished = {print},
ISSN = {2560-4414},
eISSN = {2560-3191},
Language = {english},
Pages = {63--83},
Note = {4},
Doi = {10.18485/folk.2017.2.2.4},
Doiurl = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/volume.php?pt=journals&issue=folk-2017-2-2&i=4},
Url = {http://folkloristika.org/site/assets/files/1252/malcev.pdf}