/ Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu


Knj. 6 (2024) »

• Metapodaci knjige
• Sadržaj

Assessment of Landslide Stability of Ground Cuts in Permic Sediments of the Urzhum Stage in the Territory of the Volga Uplands (Russia)

Fedor Bufeev

Airat Latypov
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Anastasiya Garaeva

Kirill Gudoshnikov

Albert Korolev

Proceedings of the 6th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, ReSyLAB2024, Belgrade, Serbia 15–18th May 2024, Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, Knj. 6 (2024)

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