title = {Thematic Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Educational Programs — The Future of World Cultural and Natural Heritage : 50 Years /1972–2022/ of the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage},
booktitle = {Thematic Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Educational Programs — The Future of World Cultural and Natural Heritage : 50 Years /1972–2022/ of the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage},
editor = {Debljović Ristić, Nevena},
isbn = {978-86-7924-349-2},
publisher = {University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture},
address = {Belgrade},
year = {2023},
pages = {465},
howpublished = {print},
language = {english},
doi = {10.18485/arh_whc50.2023},
doiurl = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/unit.php?pt=eb_book&y=2023&title=arh_whc50-2023},
url = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/eb_book/2023/arh_whc50/arh_whc50-2023.pdf}