author = {Vasiljević, Maja},
title = {Cultural Cooperation between the Non-Aligned Yugoslavia and the Neutral Finland From the 1960s to the 1980s},
booktitle = {The Tunes of Diplomatic Notes: Music and Diplomacy in Southeast Europe (18th–20th century)},
editor = {Vesić, Ivana and Peno, Vesna and Udovič, Boštjan},
isbn = {978-86-80639-54-3},
publisher = {Institute of Musicology SASA ; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences},
address = {Belgrade ; Ljubljana},
year = {2020},
pages = {241--256},
howpublished = {print},
language = {english},
note = {15},
chapter = {15},
doi = {10.18485/music_diplomacy.2020.ch15},
doiurl = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/volume.php?pt=eb_book&y=2020&issue=music_diplomacy-2020&i=15},
url = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/eb_book/2020/music_diplomacy/music_diplomacy-2020-ch15.pdf}