author = {Glišić, Miroslav and Đorđević, Branislav and Stojković, Dejan},
title = {The EU Global Strategy – A Possible Framework for Deepening Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia in the Defence Domain},
booktitle = {Security Challenges and the Place of the Balkans and Serbia},
editor = {Jović-Lazić, Ana and Troude, Alexis},
isbn = {978-86-7067-275-8},
publisher = {Institute of International Politics and Economics ; Faculty of Security Studies},
address = {Belgrade},
year = {2020},
pages = {284--309},
howpublished = {print},
language = {english},
chapter = {18},
note = {18},
doi = {10.18485/iipe_balkans_rssc.2020.ch18},
doiurl = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/volume.php?pt=eb_book&y=2020&issue=iipe_balkans_rssc-2020&i=18},
url = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/eb_book/2020/iipe_balkans_rssc/iipe_balkans_rssc-2020-ch18.pdf}