/ Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade


Vol. 23 (2023), No. 2

Vol. 23 (2023), No. 1

Vol. 22 (2022), No. 1

Vol. 21 (2021), No. 2

Vol. 21 (2021), No. 1

Vol. 20 (2020), No. 1-2

Vol. 19 (2019), No. 2

Vol. 19 (2019), No. 1

Vol. 18 (2018), No. 2

Vol. 18 (2018), No. 1

Vol. 17 (2017), No. 2

Vol. 17 (2017), No. 1

Vol. 16 (2016), No. 1-2

Evaluation and Fertility: eScience as a Pledge for the Development of Science and a Democratic Society — Transparency as a Basis for the Development of Science and Society —

Vasilije Milnović

Infotheca, Vol. 23 (2023) No. 2

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