author = {Kostić, Marina T. and Stefanović, Andrej},
title = {The Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone: Rationale, Attitudes and Way Ahead},
booktitle = {Convergence and Confrontation: The Balkans and the Middle East in the 21st Century},
editor = {Janković, Slobodan},
isbn = {978-86-7067-293-2},
publisher = {Institute of International Politics and Economics},
address = {Belgrade},
year = {2021},
pages = {131--165},
howpublished = {print},
language = {english},
note = {6},
chapter = {6},
doi = {10.18485/iipe_conv_conf.2021.ch6},
doiurl = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/volume.php?pt=eb_book&y=2021&issue=iipe_conv_conf-2021&i=6},
url = {http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/eb_book/2021/iipe_conv_conf/iipe_conv_conf-2021-ch6.pdf}